Dear Parents and Educators,

During a difficult time of COVID-19 pandemic, we feel it is important and responsible to take all appropriate proactive and preventative measures we can to mitigate the risk of exposure to our team, children, families and community. As a result, we are suspending all face to face Mindful Kiddo service until further notice.
At the same time it is even more important now to manage our mental health and improve our immune system using mindfulness tools. Mindful Kiddo Team decided to continue support to all children, families and educators by offering Mindful Kiddo Online Service.

Mindful Kiddo Online is a platform for all parents and educators to engage children from 2 to 6 years of age in mindfulness practice. Being mindful is also being aware of a new situation and specific needs of children and their carers. We are all experiencing stress and need to find a way to calm down, put our health first and instead of going out, go within…Switching Mindful Kiddo classes to online platform allows us to deliver service via live class streams, short videos with tips to our existing customers and give an amazing opportunity to kids out of childcare to join us!

Monthly membership is now only $15 per family!
Special discount for current customers and if you experience financial hardship.
Monthly membership for childcare, ELC or kindy is FREE!!!.

What is included?

1. 20 minutes live stream class per week for a family or a child care centre.
2. 2 x live videos with amazing mindfulness tools or activities you can use at home.
3. Access to offline classes all the time and replaying them if needed.
4. Short videos with our specialists’ tips, activities for kids, mindful craft ideas, mindful cooking, instructions to mindfulness props and more!
5. Interaction with our professionals so you can comment and ask questions.
6. To receive free membership for your child care centre, please contact us at

Click to request membership first and support our business, we can help each other in this difficult time!

1. Like us on Facebook to access free resources: @mindfulkiddo1.
2. Purchase MK Online subscription to get accepted.
3. Request Mindful Kiddo Online Membership below to access Facebook Live sessions (7 days free).
4. Enjoy mindfulness sessions with your child!


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